Monday, September 5, 2016

California Eliminated Doctor's Right to Cross Examine adverse Witness

Right to cross examine adverse witness goes to the heart of the judicial process in order to ensure credibility and truthfulness. Right to Cross Examine adverse witness is available in all civilized societies except in California. California is deceitly denying such fundamental Right to victim Doctors NOT via a Royal decree but via order of a judge. 

How 'the process' goes
California Attorney General publishes accusations against victim Doctor (in the name of the Medical Board) that must to be proved before the member of the Medical Board. In order to justify revocation of a victim Doctor's Right to Work (aka License), the attorney general would benefit from services of an adverse witness. 

The office of Attorney General engages in a secret communication with a "Doctor for Sale" who is paid for giving adverse opinion. The Attorney General may share incomplete or purjured Medical records/ documents and ask the "Doctor for Sale" to give adverse 'opinion' (or report) against the victim doctor. No one can say for sure who may write the opinion of the "Doctor for Sale". A "Doctor for Sale" or an examining doctor may have lesser experience or training than the victim doctor. 

A victim Doctor can defend himself/ herself by cross examining the "Doctor for Sale" or an examining doctor. But Attorney General's real Goal is to deprive a Victim Doctor's Right to Work (License) by hook or crook; so a Judge conveniently issued an order denying 'victim Doctor's  Right to Cross Examine adverse witness. 

Doctors are not the only victims but it is now general public at large who has become victim on deprivation of fundamental Rights such as Driving License. California is denying numerous Rights associated with the Judicial process such as Right to discovery and Right to a fair hearing. No rules, No Rights. 

Hon. Goofy for Healthcare

Hon. Goofy For Healthcare is the First Dog Representing Doctors and Patients.

Selective Regulations of Healthcare Professionals

More Reading
California Attorney General, Physicians License, and Medical Board 

California Attorney General, Driving License, and Department of Motor Vehicles- (DMV) 

California denying Right to Cross Examine Adverse Witness